The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for 1,000 titles. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
1,000 hours of classical music performances and masterclasses captured on video approximately 1,500 performances in all. The collection contains performances of all forms of classical music, including major orchestral performances by leading orchestras, plus chamber music, oratorio, and solo performances, along with masterclasses and interviews with master teachers from around the world. (Multimedia)
Service = Alexander Street Press, LLC
Humanities Source Ultimate offers access to key content covering literary, scholarly and creative thought. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
An archive of scholarly journal historical issues of high-resolution, scanned images of journal articles as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived span many disciplines. JSTOR is not a current issues database so there is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR. (Full text)
Service = JSTOR
Full text access to poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, classics, teacher guides, and student guides from all over the world. (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Literary Reference Plus is a full-text database that combines information from major respected reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing. Literary Reference Source Plus contains everything in Literary Reference Source, plus the following: over 1,200 additional full-text literary reference books/works, over 200 additional full-text literary journals and magazines, 35 volumes of new contemporary literature titles from Salem Press, 40 full-text literary study guides and 72 literary videos. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
The MLA International Bibliography with Full Text combines the definitive index for the study of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, and film with full text for more than 1,000 journals, including many of the leading publications in these fields... also includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals and the MLA Thesaurus. (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive online database that provides expert book recommendations, reviews, articles, lists, and more. It is designed to help readers of all ages find the perfect book to read, with a vast collection of popular and professional book information. -- copied from publisher's site (No full text: Citation/abstract only)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
21 plays recorded live on the Globe stage from leading actors including Mark Rylance, Stephen Fry, and Roger Allam's Olivier Award-winning Falstaff in Henry IV. -- copied from publisher's site (Multimedia)
Service = Bloomsbury Publishing
eBooks available to anyone who is physically located in the state of Illinois, or who is a patron of an Illinois library. All full text. Collections include: Popup Picks: popular titles that change quarterly, Recovering the Classics, and other curated selections. (Full text)
Service = BiblioLabs
...multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCO Ebooks
This ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of literary-related subjects. Selections include literary criticism, study guides, and classics such as Emma, Dracula and Frankenstein. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
A fully searchable, perpetually growing, and virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Including: Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture. Greek and Latin Classical heritage is represented with up-to-date texts and accurate English translations. More than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = Harvard University Press
Each year, Magill's Literary Annual evaluates 200 major examples of serious literature published during the previous calendar year. The philosophy behind selection process is to cover works that are likely to be of interest to general readers, that are written by authors being taught in literature programs, and that will stand the test of time. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = Salem Press
Contains Critical Insights on various authors, themes, and works. Plus Magill’s Literary Annual (1977-present) which evaluate 200 works of serious literature published during the previous calendar year. (Full text)
Service = Salem Press
Communication Subject Guidesubject guides, related guides: primary sources: social sciences, related guides: literature, related guides: music, related guides: leadershipEnglish Subject Guiderelated guides: literature, subject guides, related guides: english as a second language
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